Recipe For Homemade Blackcurrant Lime Sorbet
An unusual flavor sorbet made with fresh blackcurrants and lime juice that comes out delightfully pink and delicious!
2 cups fresh blackcurrants
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Juice of 2 fresh limes
Place the blackcurrants and water into a blender. Blend until smooth and then pour through a sieve. Press to extract the juice from the blackcurrants. (Just discard the flesh of the fruit left in the sieve)
Mix the blackurrant juice with the lime juice and sugar in a saucepan over a medium heat. Stir continuously until the sugar has dissolved and it forms a syrup.
Remove the syrup from the heat and leave to cool. When cooled, place in the refrigerator to chill (overnight or minimum 2-3 hours).
When the mixture is thoroughy chilled
pour it into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Serves 8-10.

Other sorbets you can try: orange flavor
white wine sorbet - great for a special celebration
recipe for apple and blackberry sorbet
I think sorbets are pretty much overlooked by many people as an option for frozen dessert but once you get into making them, they can add something really special to a dinner party or celebration. Go make yourself a sorbet now and share the passion.