Feb 19, 2009

Country Cottage Ice Cream - A Quickie Recipe

Here is something I heard about this week that I just had to share with my Blog Of Ice Cream readers - an ice cream recipe that's quick and easy to make, that doesn't need an ice cream maker and uses just cream, sugar and yoghurt. No eggs, no milk. Interested? Read on!


  • 10 fl oz (300ml) heavy cream (double cream)
  • 4.5 oz (140g) caster sugar
  • 10fl oz (300ml) good quality, fruit yoghurt (from any store or supermarket)


  • Heat the cream and sugar in a small pan, ensuring the sugar dissolves but do NOT boil it.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, add the yoghurt and stir into well mixed.
  • Pour the mixture into small ramekins and leave to cool.
  • When cool, place the ramekins in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Remove from the refrigerator and place into the freezer until it becomes the right consistency.
  • Remove from the freezer and allow to stand for 10 minutes before serving.
    Note: Serves 4

I have yet to try this one myself but John, whose recipe it is, assures me he's made it many times and it's always delicious. In case you're wondering who John is, he is not a professional chef but the owner of some super holiday cottages in a quiet country village on the edge of England's stunning Lake District. Perhaps most famous for being Beatrix Potter country, John tells me that there is a multitude of interesting sights to see and things to do in Cumbria. Follow the link to see the list of just 40 of them that he mentions on his site!

If you fancy making some more easy ice cream recipes you can download some from my website - vanilla ice cream, banana ice cream, chocolate ice cream.


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